Astro Portrait of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev-4

Astrological Analysis of Enlightenment                          As written in part-1 of this article enlightenment happened to Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev on 23 Sep 1982 at Chamunda Hills between 14:30 to 19:30 hrs. What  dasa/antardasa can give enlightenment in spiritually potent charts? What are the transits which work as catalysts in the happening of such a blissful event in spiritual persons? Sloka 13 of Chapter xv of Jatak Parijat states “One may get results of performing sacrifices of all kinds and all kinds of beneficient works in dasa/antardasa of lords of Lagna…

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Astrology and Coronavirus

I have been receiving many messages on Whats App since the outbreak of Corona virus epidemic throughout the world. Different Astrologers have tried to explain why this epidemic occured in the world and when will it come to an end? Many people who come to me for astrological consultations have also been asking different questions about it and many others are telephoning me about the same. I have tried to answer all such questions in this article: Epidemics of this magnitude which have badly affected almost the whole world is covered under Mundane Astrology. For the information of the readers…

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Monthly Talk On Astrology Concepts-2

                     There is a concept in predictive astrology that birth dasa is very important for every person. The reason is that the houses lorded by MD/AD and the house  they occupy at the time of birth finds expression in life prominently and on many occasions.During this month I had a chance to examine one such chart in which it occured even more clearly.The chart is produced below:-   Lagna-16:4; Sun-26:31;Moon-17:44;Mars-21:16;Mer-16:13;JupR-12:50;Venus-03:48;SatR-16:03;Rahu-12:17    Date of Birth:- 12-07-1984                       The person was born in Venus-Mars Dasa.Venus…

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Astro Portrait of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev-3

Past lives of Sadhguru Like many other saints Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev has given description of his past lives.Description is contained in the chapter entitled “Falling Upwards” in his biography.(More than a life Sadhguru- written by Arundhati Subramaniam.) Osho has also given description of his many past  lives in his biography”Glimpses of  a Golden Childhood” and many of his discourses.Sri M -founder of Satsang Foundation have  done so in his autobiography”Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master”. Sadhguru told his biographer that about four hundred years ago he was there in Raigad District(Now in Madhya Pradesh) as Bilva-a fearless youngman and intensely in…

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Monthly Talk On Astrology Concepts-1

Two predictive principles are being discussed first for the use of amateur astrologers and in response to wishes of some readers. Both these principles are very helpful in making predictions. We know that afflictions to a house, its lord and the karka of that  house is not good and it harms significations of that house.A young man came to me for some astrological  consultations.The chart of the native is as below:-  we see that there is Rahu in the ninth house.Lord of ninth house is debilitated in the twelfth house.It is combust also.It is further aspected by debilitated retrograde Jupiter…

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Astrology and Menstrual Disorder

Third part of my article on astro portrait of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev in under type and will be  published shortly.In the meantime I am posting an article on menstrual disorders. But let me first  say something  about the comments on the website.A friend has requested to write some  articles about basics of astrolgy.Another friend has requested to write some articles on prediction methodology.God willing I will write on both the subjects someday.I promise to do so as soon as I get time and some help in typing the lenghty articles.For the time being I have readjusted my daly routine and…

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Astro Portrait of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev-2

As written in first part of the article let us first discuss the Vimshamsha  Chart of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. But I am inclined to make one thing clear first.Ketu is karka for salvation. The best placement for Ketu is 12th house.Next is the placement in eighth house and the last is fourth house.But Ketu should not be unaspected  or unassociated.Its association with Jupiter is best.Aspect or association of Ketu with/by fifth or ninth lord is also good.Now vimshamsha chart.Vimshamsha Chart is also called upasna chart.It is seen for spirituality.Spiritual inclinations and religious activities of a person are seen from it.…

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Astro Portrait of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev – I

  Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, the founder of Isha Foundation is a multi-faceted personality. He is a yogi, a mystic, a motivational speaker and a philanthropist. He is a spiritual master to a large number of people. In his speeches he does not seem to believe in astrology. First  read the following question and  answer   Questioner: I have studied Vedic astrology and I am wondering, does astrology work? Are we defined by the stars, or by intention and mind, or by the self?   Sadhguru: You  need to understand, India is not just about the Vedas or Vedic culture. Sage Vyasa, the…

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Astrology and a News Item

                 A small news item appeared in Dainik Bhasker(Hindi) dtd 29th November 2018.Gist of the news item is that two years ago  a boy and a girl had  entered into love marriage against the wishes of their parents. They had taken a pledge to live and die together.The girl was admitted for  delivery of a child in Agroha Medical College on 25th November. On 27th Nov. her husband met an accident near Agroha Medical College and died.The girl delivered a male child at12:00 hrs the same night.She became serious  after that and was…

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Examination of a chart from different angles-2

              We had discussed the chart of Late Sh. M.S Mehta from Moon and from Karka Jupiter in part-1 of         this article to find happiness from children.Now let us see what factors for happiness from children are         present if we examine the chart from Lagna               1.Saturn and Mars both are combust at close degrees but  are well placed.. Saturn is in his own house and vargottama. Mars is in Pisces Navamsa. Mars is exalted also.Well placed planets give good results.This is  first…

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