Each Kidney weighs only a few grams but in spite of that they contain more than a million filter units called nephrons which filter the blood. Blood is being continuously filtered by the kidneys and the waste matter from the blood is taken to the bladder in the form of urine. The main function of kidney is to regulate the water mineral and food content of the blood.
In medical astrology Venus signifies urethral strictures, stones in the kidney, urinary bladder and kidneys. In the birth horoscope of a person sixth house signifies kidneys and upper ureter. Lower ureters and urinary bladder comes in seventh house. Hence Venus, sixth house, seventh house, Virgo and Libra come into picture and also Mercury, being ruler of Virgo. Nakshatras from second pada of Uttaraphalguni to second pada of Vishakha are also important as they come in Virgo and Libra rashis. Some take fifth house also. But fifth house/fifth lord signify stomach, gall bladder and liver only. They have no role to play in the functioning of the kidneys. Usually kidney trouble starts in dasha of planet having relation with eleventh house or lagna because these houses are sixth and eighth houses from the sixth house which signifies kidney.
In addition to above Lagna/Lagna lord, Moon/Rashi Lord and Sun should also be strong and unafflicted. If these are afflicted/week, one becomes prone to diseases signified by other factors.
Now I write below some classical combinations for Kidney problems.
1. Saturn, Sun and Venus in the 5th house makes the native suffer from Nephritis. Nephritis is a condition in which the tissues in the kidney become inflamed and have problems filtering waste from the blood. Nephritis may be caused by infection, inflammatory conditions (such as lupus), certain genetic conditions, and other diseases or conditions. It may also be caused by taking certain medicines or being exposed to certain chemicals. Signs and symptoms include blood and protein in the urine; high blood pressure; swelling of the face, hands, feet, and legs; fatigue; and anaemia. If not treated or controlled, nephritis may lead to kidney damage and kidney failure. Also called glomerulonephritis.
2.Mars in 10th house and having PAC relation with Saturn may also cause nephritis.
3.If Sun and Mars occupy lagna and 7th respectively, the native may suffer from nephritis.
4. When Moon is in a watery sign and its lord is in the sixth house and aspecated by Mercury who is also in a watery sign the person concerned will suffer from stricture of urethra. Sloka 107 Chapter 5 of Savarth Chintamani says Moon in sixth house in a watery sign and sixth lord is also in a watery sign and aspected by Mercury gives multiple urinary troubles. Same combination is available in Jatak Tattvam Sixth Vivek Sloka 114.
5. When all the malefics occupy the 6th or 7th house the person concerned will suffer from cystitis or stricture of urethra. Sloka 115 of Sixth Vivek of Jatak Tattvam says that malefic planets in sixth and seventh house indicate multiple urinary trouble including kidney troubles.
A urethral stricture involves scarring that narrows the tube that carries urine out of the body, called the urethra. As a result of a stricture, less urine comes out of the bladder. This can cause problems in the urinary tract, such as infection.
6.If the lord of 7th and 8th exchange places, and if the planets be malefics, then one may suffer from cystitis or stricture of urethra.
7. When Mars and Venus combine in the 7th sign the person suffers from burning micturition. Here it is meant probably gonorrhoea.
8. When Mars, Rahu and Mandi are in trine to each other a stricture in urethra occurs.
9. If lord of the lagna associates with the lord of the 7th in 8th then also a stricture in urethra occurs. It should be noted that a stricture in urethra is mostly due to gonorrhoeal infection. Hence these combinations also hold good for gonorrhoea also.
10. Saturn in seventh house aspected by Rahu.
Most of these combinations have been taken from Gadawali-a classic on Medical Astrology written by Acharya Chakradhar Joshi. According to this classic an afflicted Venus gives many health problems including kidney problems.
11.Venus in 8th house identical with cancer/scorpion and aspected by Mars or Rahu indicates kidney disorders, urinary diseases.
12. People born in September October ,when Sun is in Virgo, suffer from afflictions of the lower abdomen or kidneys.
13.When seventh house, lord of seventh house, Libra Rasi, Jupiter, Moon and Venus are afflicted they give rise to trouble to kidneys. Affliction are caused by the lords of 6/8/12 houses, Rahu, Saturn & Mars.
14. Saturn is Karaka for all stones. When Saturn afflicts Tula Rashi, 7th house, lord of seventh house, they give rise to diseases concerning kidney stones.
Combinations for stones in the bladder
1. If fifth, sixth and seventh houses have malefics there are chances of stones in the bladder.
2. If there are three malefics in lagna without any benefic associations.
Let us a study the chart of a person who is suffering from kidney trouble at a young age.
Lagna is occupied by a
functional malefic Venus
and a natural malefic Mars. Lagna is weak in Bhav Bala(350 shashtiyamsha) which is not indicative of good health. Sun lord of lagna is going to its sign of debilitation(neechabhilashi ).It is also in inimical sign. It is hemmed in between two malefics. It is weak in shadbala(0.89).Weak lagna lord and a malefic durudhara around lagna lord are not good for sound health. Native is amavasya born and Moon is not only weak in paksh bala but also hemmed in between malefics. Afflicted Moon is also bad for good health. Moon is also the jaimini Atma Karka of this chart and Sun is the natural Atma Karka. Both are afflicted and weak as explained above. Three quadrants are occupied by malefics. Jupiter in kendra is of no use as it is in Rahu-Ketu axis. It is also noteworthy that afflicted eighth lord is not good for sound health and Jupiter as eighth lord in this chart is afflicted being in Rahu-Ketu axis. Gulika is placed in Lagna. It is also not good for health. Lagna has only 27 bindus in Sarvashtakavarga whereas eighth house has only 22 bindus. It also indicates poor health.
We have examined in detail that the native of this chart is prone to bad health. Now let us try to examine the nature and severity of health problem. Medical diagnosis is best left to the medical experts who have extensive training on the subject and also sophisticated tools to diagnose the exact area of illness. However an horoscope can effectively tell the area of problem and the timing of illness and also of recovery.
Sun gives us an important clue to the part of body which may become diseased. Sun changes rashi every month. When we are examining a chart for medical purposes, then we should see in which rashi Sun is situated. The organ of that rashi as represented in the kundli of kalpurusha may become diseased some time or other. Hence persons born in January-Feb.(14th Jan to 12th Feb.) when the Sun is in Capricorn are likely to suffer from knee problems and so on. In our chart for discussion we have Sun in Virgo, hence the native is likely to suffer from problems of small intestine, kidney, upper ureter and peptic ulcers etc.
If we examine this chart we come to the conclusion that virgo rashi is occupied by 12th lord weak and afflicted Moon, weak lagna lord Sun and Mercury – a functional malefic, a maraka and a trika lord. Virgo rashi is also hemmed in between two malefics i.e. Saturn and Mars. Virgo rashi has fifth aspect of Rahu also and is in sixth house of kalpurusha . Affliction to virgo rashi indicates problems of small intestine, kidney, upper ureter and peptic ulcers etc. Sixth house in native’s chart is aspected by Rahu. It has aspect of Saturn on one side and of Mars on the other side. Hence it is hemmed in between malefic aspects. Seventh house has aspect of Mars and Venus. It has aspect of Rahu on one side. On other side aspect of Jupiter and Mars is there. Jupiter is conjunct Ketu in mrityu bhaga.
Sixth and seventh lord Saturn is exalted in third house. It does not seem to have any affliction. But a careful observation shows that it has fifth aspect of Rahu on one side and fourth aspect Mars on the other side and is hence hemmed in between two malefic aspects.
Venus-karka for kidneys is not only functional malefic for this chart but is afflicted due to conjunction with Mars.
Actually a close examination of D-1 reveals that lagna, lagna lord, Venus, Virgo Rashi, Libra Rashi , Moon, Jupiter, Saturn ,sixth house, seventh house and eighth house-all are afflicted. All these affliction have made this person suffer from serious health problems with the result that he has to be put on dialysis frequently.
Navamsa Chart
1. Cancer Lagna rises which is 12th house of D-1 Chart and is thus not auspicious.
2. Virgo Rashi has Rahu on one side and aspect of Saturn, Mars on the other side. Hence it has malefic influences on both sides. Virgo Rashi falls in sixth house of kalpurusha indicating problems of small intestine, kidney, upper ureter and peptic ulcers etc
3. Libra Rashi has aspect of Mars and Saturn and is thus heavily afflicted.
4. Sixth lord is in fifth house i.e. in 12th house from sixth house. Sixth house ism aspected by functional malefic Venus and maraca lord Sun and Rahu.
5. Seventh house is occupied by Saturn and 12th lord Mercury. It is aspected by Mars from lagna. Mars-Saturn in one-seven axis is not good for health.
6. Eighth house is occupied by Ketu and aspected by Mars.
7. Venus is a functional malefic with a maraca lord in 12th house.
Drekkana Chart
1. Jupiter, Moon and Venus are afflicted. Moon has fifth aspect of Rahu. Fifth house has aspect of Saturn and seventh house that of Mars. Hence Moon is hemmed in between two malefic aspects. Jupiter has fourth aspect of Mars and ninth aspect of Ketu. It should be remembered that Ketu is in Mrityu Bhaga an inauspicious planetary station. Venus has aspect of Saturn. Seventh house has aspect of Mars and seventh lord has ninth aspect of Rahu. When seventh house, lord of seventh house, Libra Rasi, Jupiter, Moon and Venus are afflicted they give rise to trouble to kidneys. Affliction are caused by the lords of 6/8/12,Rahu,Saturn & Mars. Although Libra Rasi seems to be free of afflictions but it has aspect of malefic planets on either side. Hence seventh house, lord of seventh house, Libra Rasi, Jupiter, Moon and Venus are afflicted giving rise to trouble to kidneys. Affliction are caused by the lords of 6/8/12,Rahu,Saturn & Mars.
2.Fourth to eighth house of drekkana chart have malefic aspects. Lagna is occupied by 12th lord Mars. It has Rahu and Sun on one side and aspect of Saturn and Ketu on other side. No wonder he is suffering not only from kidney trouble but has multiple health problems.
Dwadashamsha Chart
In dwadashamsha chart fifth house has aspect of Saturn with Rahu. Seventh house has aspect of Mars and fifth aspect of Rahu, seventh lord is with sixth lord Venus and has ninth aspect of Rahu. Venus has ninth aspect of Rahu and of Sun also. Moreover it is sixth lord in eleventh house.
Thus we see that relevant houses and planets are afflicted in lagna chart, navamsa chart ,drekkana chart and dwadashamsha chart which gave him kidney trouble.
Now let us talk about some remedial measures. Following remedial measures are helpful in kidney troubles.
1. 16000 recitations of Root Mantra(Beej Mantra) of Venus should be done. However some astrologers say that in kaliyuga 64000 recitations should be done. Beej Mantra of Venus is given below:-ॐ द्रां द्रीं द्रों सः शुक्राय नमः। Practically I have found that recitation of this mantra 108 times daily helps much.
2. Dr Suresh Chandra Mishra is of the opinion that recitation of Hanuman Chalisa, Bajrang Baan and Ram Stuti after Sundar Kand is an effective remedy to get rid of a chronic problem. He further recommends recitation of Hanuman Bahuk if a disease is causing great misery.
3. Daily recitation of Narayan Kavach three times or Ram Raksha Stotram one time gives relief in all types of troubles.
4. I have found that daily recitation of Gayatri Mantra or Maha Mritunjay Mantra 108 times daily is very helpful.
5. According to Prasna Marga giving away til and lotus flower in charity ,havan and japa of verses from vedas should be done for urinary troubles. Innocent animals should be served their feed. Widows and unmarried girls should be respected.