I have been reading astrology books and periodicals since long. I was a regular customer of The Astrological Magazine published by veteran astrologer Dr. B. V Raman since 1985.I remember the days when Indian Council of Astrological Sciences was formed by him with chapters in various cities. I had also enrolled as its Life Member due to my interest in astrology. I still have the card as Life Member of Indian Council of Astrological Sciences(Life Membership No.737).I have always been a voracious reader. In those days I used to read books on astrology or spirituality. Fortunately…
Sun, Mars, Rahu, Saturn and twelfth lord are called separative planets. Influence of these planets on 7H,7L and Karka Venus may result in separation in marriage in their MD/AD. Influence of such separative planets on any house/its lord and karka of the house may separate us from the significations of the house especially jiva significations. This principle gives good results if charts are studied in Sudarshan Chakra Padhati. According to this Padhati charts are studied not only from Lagna only but also from the Sun Lagna and the Moon Lagna. Out of Sun, Saturn or Rahu if two are placed…
I have not talked on astrology concepts since long. Today I am inclined to talk on Mundane Astrology. Can tenth lord of the foundation chart of a country give any clue about the type of person ruling that country? We know that Saturn is tenth lord of our Independence Chart. Can it tell something about our Prime Ministers. At least a mundane astrologer believes so. I found it written in a astrology book and reproduce in original, “Saturn is for widows .Only people who don’t have spouse can hold the seat of Prime Minister(of India) for very long period of…
नौकरी लगने के बाद हर कर्मचारी की स्वाभाविक जिज्ञासा रहती है की मेरी पदोन्नति कब होगी। इस लेख में इसी जिज्ञासा का समाधान करने की कोशिश की गई है। लेकिन एक चेतावनी शुरू में देना आवश्यक है। इस लेख में दिए गए सिद्धान्त तभी लागू किए जाएं जब पदोन्नति का समय नज़दीक हो। जन्मकुण्डली में नवम भाव /नवमेश ,दसम भाव /दशमेश ,सप्तम भाव /सप्तमेश व लग्न /लग्नेश से सम्बन्ध रखने वाले ग्रहों की दशा -अन्तरदशा में आम तौर से पदोन्नति होती है। अचानक या रुकी हुईं पदोन्नति में आठवें भाव /आठवें भाव के स्वामी से सम्बन्धित ग्रहों की दशा -अन्तरदशा…
Happiness in our family and in social relations largely depends on our manner of speech. Sometimes our manner of speech is good but other family members or our known persons in society have objectionable manner of speech. Due to this our relations with them may get strained. We may end our relations or may even quarrel.But who controls our way of speech? It depends on many things. What we learn in our schools,in our family,in our society and from our surroundings play an important role in it. But do you know that planets in our horoscope also play…
Difficult Transits for India During the days of my study in Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan we had been repeatedly told that affliction along Taurus-Scorpio axis and Cancer-Capricorn axis brings big changes in India.Many of such changes may not be pleasant. For example Indo-China War of 1962, Indo-Pak War of 1965 and 1971,Operation Blue Star in 1984 and Ram Mandir destruction at Ayodhya by Mir Baqi in1528— all these events happened when there was affliction along Cancer-Capricorn or Taurus-Scorpio axis. Transit of Saturn Saturn is transiting in Capricorn sign since 25th January 2020.Transit of Saturn in Capricorn or Cancer has always…
There is a concept in predictive astrology that birth dasa is very important for every person. The reason is that the houses lorded by MD/AD and the house they occupy at the time of birth finds expression in life prominently and on many occasions.During this month I had a chance to examine one such chart in which it occured even more clearly.The chart is produced below:- Lagna-16:4; Sun-26:31;Moon-17:44;Mars-21:16;Mer-16:13;JupR-12:50;Venus-03:48;SatR-16:03;Rahu-12:17 Date of Birth:- 12-07-1984 The person was born in Venus-Mars Dasa.Venus…
Two predictive principles are being discussed first for the use of amateur astrologers and in response to wishes of some readers. Both these principles are very helpful in making predictions. We know that afflictions to a house, its lord and the karka of that house is not good and it harms significations of that house.A young man came to me for some astrological consultations.The chart of the native is as below:- we see that there is Rahu in the ninth house.Lord of ninth house is debilitated in the twelfth house.It is combust also.It is further aspected by debilitated retrograde Jupiter…