Planets Made Subhas Chandra Bose Neta Ji-2

His Life in Indian National Congress               Immediately on arriving to India on 16 July  1921,he met Mahatma Gandhi who happened to be in Bombay. Gandhi and Bose differed in the first meeting on issue of means to end rule of Britishers in India. Mahatma Gandhi referred Bose to C R Das who was the leader of the Congress in Bengal. Das was more flexible than Gandhi and more sympathetic to the extremism that had attracted idealistic young men such as Bose in Bengal. Das launched Bose into nationalist politics. Subhas  Chandra Bose  worked…

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Planets Made Subhas Chandra Bose Neta Ji-1

 Childhood and Early Life               His name was Subhas Chandra Bose. We called him Neta Ji. He was born on 23 January 1897 at 12-15-41hrs in Cuttack(Orissa). Balance of Sun’s dasa at the time of birth was 1year 0 months and 19 days. Venus occupies the 2nd house from Sun. Hence Sun is involved in formation of Veshi Yoga. This variety of Veshi Yoga shows that the person is renowned, respectable, with many virtues, and fearless. Sun also forms a good yoga in conjunction with Mercury. This yoga is called Budhaditya Yoga. A person having…

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आवासीय भवनों के लिए सरल व उपयोगी वास्तु नियम

वर्तमान काल में जमीन की अत्यधिक कमी होने की वजह से भवन निर्माण में वास्तु के सभी नियमों का पालन करना संभव नहीं है। कुछ नियमों का पालन इसलिए भी संभव नहीं है कि अधिकतर लोग मल्टी स्टोरी बिल्डिंग में बने अपार्टमेंट्स और फ्लैट्स में रहते हैं जिन्हें बड़े बड़े बिल्डर्स बनाते हैं जो निर्माण में स्थान का अधिक से अधिक उपयोग करना चाहते हैं। फिर भी वास्तु शास्त्र के कुछ नियम इतने सरल हैं कि उन्हें ऐसी मल्टी स्टोरी बिल्डिंग में बने अपार्टमेंट्स और फ्लैट्स में भी मामूली फेर बदल करके आसानी से लागु किया जा सकता है। प्रस्तुत…

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Autoimmune Disease-An Astrological view with Remedial Measures

Autoimmune Disease is a medical condition in which your immune system starts attacking your body instead of protecting it. It is not clear why your immune system does this. Autoimmune  diseases can affect many types of tissues and nearly any organ of your body. This disease produces antibodies and proteins which attack our body parts which leads to slow degeneration. Some common autoimmune diseases include Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ulcerative Colitis, Psoriasis, Addison’s Disease,Type-1Diabetes and  Myasthenia Gravis etc. Medical experts say that lymphocytes are cells that circulate in our blood and are part of our immune system. There are two main types…

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Astrology, diabetes and remedial measures.

       Medical Astrology is a very useful branch of astrology. It tells us a lot about a person’s health. At times it may even help medical specialists in proper diagnosis of a person’s medical problem. Medical Astrology also helps us in timing the period of illness, its severity and outcome of disease. Diabetes is a wide spread disease these days. It is mainly of two types. Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes Insipidus. Both types of diabetes  are diseases of endocrine system of the body. Diabetes Mellitus is caused by deficiency of a hormone called insulin whereas Diabetes Insipidus is…

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Role of separative planets in astrology

Sun, Mars, Rahu, Saturn and twelfth lord are called separative planets. Influence of these planets on 7H,7L and Karka Venus may result in separation in marriage in their MD/AD. Influence of such separative planets on any house/its lord and karka  of the house may separate us from the significations of the house especially jiva significations. This principle gives good results if charts are studied in Sudarshan Chakra Padhati. According to this Padhati charts are studied not only from Lagna only but also from the Sun Lagna and the Moon Lagna.  Out of Sun, Saturn or Rahu if two are placed…

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Talk on Astrology Concepts–5

I have not talked on astrology concepts since long. Today I am inclined to talk on Mundane Astrology. Can tenth lord of the foundation chart of a country give any clue about the type of person ruling that country? We know that Saturn is tenth lord of our Independence  Chart. Can it tell something about our Prime Ministers. At least a mundane astrologer believes so. I found it written in a astrology book and reproduce in original, “Saturn is for widows .Only people who don’t  have spouse can hold the seat of Prime Minister(of India) for very long period of…

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Will there be a war between China and Taiwan ?

Complex History of Taiwan  China was ruled by Qing Dynasty from 221BC to the end of 1911.Taiwan,an island was annexed in 1683 by the Qing Dynasty of China. In 1895  a war took place between China and Japan in which China suffered a defeat and consequently Treaty of Shimonoseki was signed between two countries. Taiwan and its’ neighbouring islands were ceded to Japan as a result of this treaty. Subsequently Japan was also defeated in World War II and Taiwan and its’ neighbouring islands were returned to China on 25 October 1945.But this time it was transferred to Republic of…

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Sun’s entry into Cancer and Indian Affairs

        Solar ingress chart is prepared for a country at the time when Sun changes sign(Rashi). Usually solar ingress chart gives indications for the events likely to happen in next 30 days. Solar  ingress charts are also called Surya Veedhi Charts. Generally twelve charts are prepared for entry of Sun in 12 rashis. But special consideration is given to entry of Sun in cardinal signs or chara rashis i,e Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. It is believed by astrologers that the surya veedhi charts for chara rashis give indications for coming three months. Hence year can be…

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श्री श्री रविशंकर एक संबुद्ध रहस्यदर्शी व परोपकारी संत

श्री श्री रविशंकर जी का जन्म 13 मई 1956 को तमिलनाडू के पापनाशम गांव में एक धार्मिक परिवार में हुआ। मनुष्य के मन में जहां कहीं भी कभी कभी पाप के जो काले बादल मंडराने लगते हैं उन्हीं का नाश करने के लिए ही शायद इनका जन्म हुआ था।इनकी बहन श्रीमति भानुमति नरसिम्हन ने इनकी जीवनी Gurudev-On the plateau of the peak में लिखा है कि ,” My memories of Papanasam are of a sweet, simple village, peaceful yet vibrant with activity . Located about twenty-five kilometers from the city of Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu, its name means the ‘…

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