One hundred useful hints about interpretation of vimshottary dasa


Accuracy of our predictions depend on our ability to interpret the results of Vimshottary Dasa. Interpretation of Natal Chart tells us the promises hidden in the chart and events likely to happen in our life. But when will these events happen is revealed by Dasa and Antardasa. Even some of events revealed in the chart may actually not happen if dasa revealing those events do not come at the appropriate time of life. Moreover a bad dasa at the time of career making time of a young man may affect his whole career even if he is very brilliant. On the other hand a native who is less brilliant than him but having good dasa at the time of start of his career, may make a better career. Hence every astrologer should put in sufficient efforts in learning the skill of interpretation of results of Dasa and Antardasa. Many types of dasas are there in two main schools of astrology viz Parashari and Jaimini. Although all students of astrology should learn secrets of interpretation of each type of dasa, but they should have mastery over at least two types of dasas i.e. Vimshottary Dasa in Parashari System and Char Dasa in Jaimini System. This article contains one hundred useful hints about interpretation of results of Vimshottary Dasa. I will be happy to write about Char Dasha also at some later time if this article is helpful to students of astrology.

1. Different planets represent different things and different professions. The results given by a planet by sitting in a house and by aspecting a bhava and by conjunction with a planet are given in dasa of that planet. Planets also give results in respect of things for which they are ‘karka’. If a planet is strong the matters for which he is karka prosper; if he is week and afflicted ,these suffer. If the planet is strong and well placed, he would show good effects pertaining to matters governed by the house or houses he is lord of.

2.Week planets do not give any results. It is said that they give results only in dreams. One may imagine about those results but may never enjoy them.

 3.Planets give good  results when they are  in good house from lagna , when they are in own house, house of exaltation, in friend’s house and when aspected by benefic planets or by their friends or when in conjuction with benefic or friendly planets.

 4.Malefic planets give good results in third, sixth and eleventh house. They also give good results when     exalted or in upachaya houses.

 5. If MD or AD lord is enemy of lagna lord then there may be loss of wealth and increase in enemies.

 6. Following planets give promotion or power in their dasa. Tenth lord, ninth lord when in tenth house, lagna lord when in10th house and when 9th and 10th lord have PAC connection.

  7.According to Sh Gopesh Kumar Ojha lords of the sixth and eighth houses show good effects in respect of matters pertaining to these houses if they are strong and associated with benefics but they should not be stronger than the lord of the Ascendant.

   8. If lord of 12th is very much afflicted and a malefic is in 12th house and if the lord of the sixth house is stronger than the lord of the Ascendant, there may be imprisonment in dasa of 12th lord.

   9.Lord of the 12th as counted from each of the houses will  be detrimental  to the house from which it is  the       12th lord.

   10. If the lord of 8th owns first or fifth or ninth house also and is posited in the 8th,he confers good results      during its dasa.

   11. A natural malefic does not become a benefic only by virtue of lordship of an angle. He becomes a       benefic when he owns a trine also.

    12. Planets which have been described as malefic may cause illness, but if placed in their own house(except lord of 2nd in the 2nd and lord of 7th in the 7th ),they will confer good results pertaining to the house they occupy and own.

    13. Dasa of fifth lord, especially an afflicted fifth lord can cause sudden rough patches in one’s career.

    14. Dasa of third lord is particularly unfavourable for parents.

    15.A planet may give following types of results in its MD/AD:-

                A) In respect of matters for which he is a karka or which is signified by it.

               B)In respect of houses they lord. Matters governed by each house are given in detail in various books                of astrology. If a planet is strong and well placed, he would show good effects pertaining to matters                      governed by the house he is lord of. Similarly if a planet is strong the matters for which he is a  karka prosper.

     16. There are favourable and unfavourable mahadashas for various ascendants which should not be     ignored. It should be considered whether the concerned planet is a functional benefic or malefic for the ascendant concerned.

      17.Sun, Saturn, Rahu and Mars are considered malefics and they are supposed to give separation from the events of the houses they influence, provided  their malefic effects are not cancelled or balanced by influence of benefics.

     18. A planet remains in the influence of 10th lord or planets placed in tenth from its position and the good or bad results during the sub-period of the planet depend on the nature of the planets placed in the 10th from it.

    19. Rahu and Ketu, if unassociated with other planets give results of Saturn and Mars respectively. Rahu and Ketu carry the effects of the planet with whom they are associated with and by whom they are aspected and these effects are also seen in their aspect value. Apart from this the dispositor of Rahu and Ketu are also influenced by them and carry the good and bad effects of Rahu and Ketu in their aspect. Such results are seen during the main/sub period of such dispositor

    20. The results of Dasha/Antardasha of a planets should not be predicted  without taking the principles of     friendship, enmity and neutrality into consideration.

     21. The sub period of a planet who is influencing a particular house in the major period of a planet who is also influencing the same house produces excellent results pertaining to that house. In such a condition malefic planet will give unfavourable results and benefic planet give favourable results. If one of major or sub-period lord is attached to a particular house, results pertaining to the house or houses will be average and results will be negligible if neither of the major or sub-period lord is influencing a particular house.

     22.  If MD Lord/AD Lord is related to 6th /8th/12th houses by PAC then the results are not good.

     23.  Dasha of twelfth lord is capable to bring about transfer or shifts.

     24.Planets give good or bad results depending on their avasthas. Avasthas are eighteen in number.(a) Planets in deep exaltation—Very good results.(b)Exalted Planets—Happiness.(c)Arohi Planets(Planets one sign behind their sign of exaltation)—Good from financial aspect(d) Avrohi(Planets one sign after their sign of exaltation)—Disease, Trouble, Mental tension,Loss of wealth(e) Debilitated Planets—Loss of respect and Loss of wealth(f) Deep debilitated Planet—Separation, conflict, loss of wealth, bankruptcy, insolvency  ,theft and fire etc. 

    25.Parasari guidelines about dasa results:-

        (i) The dasa of the 9th or the 10th lord or any graha combined with 5th lord will give auspicious results.

        (ii) The dasa of the tenth or the fourth lord combined with the ninth lord will be  quite auspicious.

        (iii) The dasa of the sixth,or the eighth or the 12th lord ,if combined with a trinal lord ,may also give auspicious results

        (iv)  The dasas of the grahas aspected by the lord of a Kendra or trine may also be auspicious

        (v) The Dasas of the 3rd ,the 6th or the 11th  lord or grahas associated with them may give inauspicious results

        (vi)  The dasas of the grahas associated with 2nd or the 7th lord in 2nd or 7th house or grahas in the 8th house may give inauspicious results.

         (vii) Dasa of benefic planet in retrograde motion generally produces peculiar diseases.

      26.If Moon is in MB Degree his dasa may cause various physical and psychological ailments. Actually dasa results of planets in MB Degree need to be examined with care. 

      27.Twelfth house is eighth house from fifth house. It is generally lord of the 12th house or the occupants there of that indicate obstruction to education or career of one’s children especially the first born. 

      28. Dasa of any planet whose dispositor has landed in 6th/8th/12th,can hurt one,s interest heavily.

      29. Conditional dasas give good results as far as jeeva (i.e.birth of a son/daughter in respect of fifth house) significations of the concerned house is concerned.

      30. Afflicted or weak third/eighth/eleventh lords give worries, tension or frustrations in their dasa.

      31.Malefic Points Viz.64th Navamsa,22nd Drekkana, Vish Navamsa, Planets in MB degree having PAC with MD/AD/PD could give problems. First Navamsa of Aries, Taurus, Virgo and Sagittarius, Fifth Navamsa of Gemini, Leo, Libra and Aquarius and Ninth Navamsa of Cancer, Scorpion, Capricorn and Pisces are Vish Navamsas.

     32.Many auspicious results occur in dasa of Rahu if Rahu is in Virgo, Scorpio or Pisces viz. gain of power, happiness from vehicles and prosperity but every thing is lost in last part of Rahu dasa.

     33. Dasa results are generally good if MD/AD/PD lords are in trikona to each other.

     34. If MD/AD lords are mutually inimical or in inimical signs(especially AD lord) or AD lord is inimical to lagna lord, then there will be danger from enemies, suffering because of losses or loss of position and native will face hostility.

     35. If MD/AD lords are mutually 6/8 position but they are yogakarka, the native may get better position and favourable results, but along with change of place or change in some other manner.

      36. All those grahas that are bereft of the aspect of trikona lords and are associated with Trika Lords, cause loss of wealth during their dasa periods.

      37.If dasha lord is in enemy’s sign in all vargas or inauspicious vargas, the result may be premature death.

      38. Ketu,s sub periods within Rahu dasha or vice-versa do not give good results and may indicate relationship issues.

      39. At the commencement of a dasa ,if the dasa lord be in a friendly house or be exalted or in upachaya house, in trine or in 7th ,there will be generally good results. If the Moon is in adverse house( at the commencement of a dasa) the lord of the dasa, though placed in exaltation(in the natal horoscope) will not give good effects.

      40. Our decisions can go wrong when dasha relates to 3rd and 8th  

      41.Astrology says that one has to struggle during the dasha of Lagna Lord.( JOA/P-31—Jan-Feb 2022.)

      42. Saturn-Rahu or Rahu-Saturn period also give trouble from enemies.

      43.In MD of Jupiter  and AD of second lord or vice versa there may be death or death like situation if mutual placement of Jupiter and second lord is not good.

      44.Eleventh lord as badhakapati, if placed in sixth or eighth house, gives mrityu or mrityu tula kashta in its dasha or antardasha.

      45.If Rahu is in kendra or trikona and the dasha  is of eleventh lord is prevalent then the native may be honoured by the government.

      46.If Jupiter is in third house and its dasa is going on, it is markesh–it is not very good.

      47.If Moon is in first half of Taurus sign conjunct a papgrah there may be death of mother in Moon dasha and death of father if in second half of Taurus sign. There may be mrityu tulya kasht only is there is aspect of a benefic.

      48. If dasha period of a planet is divided in four parts, each part will give following results. First part will give results according to lordship of the planet. Second part will give results as per the house where planet is situated. Third part will give results according to navamsa position of the planet. Last part will give results according to conjunctions of that planet.(Shloka 195 of dasha phal adhaya of dasha phal darpan)

     49. According to second theory if dasha period is divided in three parts first part will give results according to lordship, second part according to placement and last part according to aspects.(Shloka 196 of dasha phal adhaya of dasha phal darpan)

     50.According to shloka 88 of dasha phal adhaya of dasha phal darpan first part gives results as per dignity of a planet, second part according to aspects and last part will give results as per the placement of a planet.

Readers can experiment with point 48 to 50 by practical experience with many charts and draw their own results. 

      51..A planet associated with Rahu give adverse results at the end of its period. Rahu and Ketu when located in a sign of  natural benefic planet or a favourable house will give good results if has no association with any planet. When a node has any sambandha with a planet and both the planet and the node have a relationship with a house, the node will give the expected result relating to that house in its period in preference over the planet. Rahu is a maraca planet for an individual born in Scorpio or Capricorn ascendant.—-Based on Chapter 20 of Phaldeepika verse 39/53 and Chapter 6 verse 15 of Uttar Kalamrita

    52..Rahu gives cheating, frauds by other people as well as self in its dasa.

    53.When sixth lord is in sixth house and a planet is conjunct sixth lord then bad results are experienced in AD of planet conjunct sixth lord.

    54.There are chances of sudden or unexpected gains during the dasa of 3rd lord when associated with tenth house. Ninth house and lagna lord should be strong to ensure gains. 

    55.Dasas of 4,6,7,8 &12th L may give imprisonment when yogas of imprisonment are there in the chart.

    56.Mercury/Ketu or Ketu/Mercury Dasa can cause humiliation or health problem. Mutual aspect between Mer and Saturn also gives humiliation.

     57.Moon-Mercury or Mercury-Moon periods can give mental aberrations causing addiction or diversion towards destructive tendencies, like overindulgence in sex etc.

     58.Dasa of a planet in Gandanta transmits intense trouble, anxiety and awe and the effect is greater when the planet suffers from a weak disposition.

     59.Dasas of 5th and 9th lords are competent to give rise as well as fall.

     60.Jup-Ven and  Ven-Jup periods make the native introvert and he is able  to complete  the work contemplated by him. According to Sh. K N Rao Jup-Ven or Ven-Jup period if falls in student life it can change direction of education or change in subjects.

     61.The ending period of all the planets will be normally evil. During the conclusion of the dasa of  Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu there will be diseases, destruction of wealth, disputes and evil incidents. In the dasa of a planet in rasi sandhi there will be diseases. The dasa of a particular asterism, which is occupied by a malefic planet, will bring about sorrow.

     62.According to Sh. K N Rao immunity suffers in MD/AD of debilitated planets and one falls ill during this period. 

     63.The antardasas of Moon and Mercury should be examined with care specially when the mahadasa of fifth lord or planets in fifth house is in operation.

     64.Dasa of 11th lord  brings many diseases, when the sub lord is weak and afflicted.

     65. A planet that rises with the head if in a sirshodaya sign gives good results in its dasa.

     66. During dasa of a planet in own house, the native earns much wealth with the grace of some highly placed person and the status of the  native rises.

     67.The period of any planet retrograde or aspected by a retrograde planet has always eccentric, enigmatic course.

      68.If Venus is in 12th house from a planet and MD of that planet is on then Venus will give effect of that planet in its AD in MD of that planet. If MD Lord is a functional benefic AD of Venus will give very good results even if Venus is enemy of MD lord e.g Position of Venus in 12th from Jupiter will give good results if Jupiter is a functional benefic although Jupiter and Venus are not friends.

    .69. Birth in dasa chidra indicates change or ups and downs in life.

     70.To whichever house dasa is related at birth the results of that house find expression throughout the life.

     71.A child born in moola nakshatra is angry man and obstinate also.

     72. It is very auspicious when AD lord is in Kendra or Trikona to MD lord.

    73. Results will also be good when MD lord and AD lord are friends and both are strong in shadbala. They do not give good results when they are week and enemy to each other.

   74. Antardasa of a yogakarka planet in Mahadasa of another  yogakarka planet increases luck. There may be gain of wealth during that period.

    75. If angular and trinal lords have connection and lord of any trisdaya house is also connected to them then AD of those angular and trinal lord will give weath even in dasa of those trisdaya house.

  76.Dr B V Raman holds that bhuktis of the Moon,Mars or Saturn in Jupter dasa may give highly fortunate results if they are combined with Jupiter.

  77.Rahu-Venus dasha is known to cause aberration of mind with respect to marriage and relationships.

 78. In Rahu-Saturn period one meets spiritual persons or preceptors otherwise this dasa gives misfortunes , agony.

  79.There is loss of money in AD of Sun and Moon in MD of Rahu. There are also bad relations with relatives.

   80. Rahu-Mercury dasa is always detrimental to married life.

   81.Transit of AD Lord also needs to be considered. There will be miseries if AD lord is transiting in inimical sign or sign of its debilitation or when it is combust in transit. However results of AD dasha will be good when it is retrograde or is transiting in its sign of exaltation.

  82.If two malefics are posited in one sign, the results during their mutual periods will be disease, quarrel, controversies, fear from enemies and king and poverty due to loss of money.

  83. If AD lord is posited in 8th house, there will be physical distress, loss of wealth and addiction.

  84. If AD lord is in 6th house, it may cause disease.

  85. Results in mutual MD or AD are good if they are mutually related to each-other. However caution in interpretation of results is needed if they are not mutually related to each-other.

 86.Mutual Dashas of Sun and Venus are seen causing accidents. 

 87.Ketu/Mer or Mer/ketu periods are known to bring about defamation.

 88.Sun/Ketu’s dasa has never been praised by Maharishi Parashar.

  89.In Venus/Ketu dasa there is definitely some incident on worldly matters which gives mental agony and brings feelings of detachment in mind.

  90.Dasa of retrograde third lord/planet in third house may give change of residence.

  91.At the time of Venus-Saturn period if Jupiter is debilitated then this period proves disastrous.

  92.At the time of Venus-Saturn period if position of transit Jupiter is good it gives fulfilment of desires.     Favourable transit of Saturn gives raja yoga or fructification of yoga kriya.

  93.Examine the planets which are 6/8 or 2/12 from each other. Their mutual periods do not show good results.

  94.Sub period of a female planet(Moon, Venus and Ketu) in the main period of a natural malefic will be a source of many unhappy events.

95.If all three or more continuous AD periods are of benefic planets, the results will be better.

96.Examine the planets which are 6/8 or 2/12 from each other. Their mutual periods do not show good results.

97.AD period between periods of two malefic AD periods give malefic results whereas AD period between two benefic or yagakaraka AD periods gives benefic planets.

98.Asterism in which a person is born influences one whole life and it has also effect on profession of a person. 

99.To whichever house dasa is related at birth the results of that house find expression throughout the life.

100.The period of any planet retrograde or aspected by a retrograde planet has always eccentric, enigmatic course.

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