Is a war indicated for India in Mars Dasa ?

Wars have been there in the world since ancient times and will continue to happen till this world exists. Many efforts have been made to eradicate wars, but in vain. India has fought following wars after Independence. 

1. Kashmir war between India and Pakistan from 22 Oct 1947 to I Jan 1949.Dasa in the chart of Independent India was Saturn-Saturn up to 13-09-1949.Saturn is in third house of border clashes. It is combust and with sixth lord of territorial attacks/wars. At the time of start of war Saturn and Mars were in Cancer and Rahu was transiting in Taurus over natal Rahu.

2. War with China from 20 October 1962 to 21 November 1962.India was passing through dasa of Saturn -Rahu from 22th April 1960 to 27 February 1963.In Independent India’s chart Rahu/Ketu’s position are especially bad and may lead to war with other other things. Saturn is in third house of border clashes. Rahu also behaves like Saturn. Saturn-Mars were aspecting each other along Cancer-Capricorn axis and were also in Rahu-Ketu axis.

3. Second war with Pakistan took place from 05 August 1965 to 23 September 1965.  Dasa in India’s chart of Independence was Saturn-Jupiter-Rahu from 24-04-1965 to 10-09-1965. Jupiter as eighth lord is in sixth house of territorial attacks/wars. Rahu is afflicting lagna. At the time of start of war Saturn was in Aquarius aspecting twelfth house of war and losses, fourth house of general  happiness and lands and seventh house of wars. Rahu was in Taurus over natal Rahu and afflicting lagna. Mars was in Virgo aspecting eighth house of set-backs and twelfth house of war and losses.

4. Third war with Pakistan took place from 03 December 1971 to 16 December 1971. Dasa in India’s chart of Independence was Mercury-Sun-Sun from 04 December 1971 to 20 December 1971.On 03-12-1971 Dasa was Mercury-Venus-Ketu. Mercury, Venus and Sun are in third house of border clashes. Venus is sixth lord of territorial attacks/wars also and Ketu is in seventh house of wars. On the day of start of war Saturn was in Capricorn aspecting third house of border clashes, Rahu was in Taurus over natal Rahu and afflicting lagna and Mars was in Sagittarius aspecting natal Mars and third house of border clashes. 

5. Fourth War with Pakistan took place from 3 May 1999 to 26 July 1999.Dasa was Venus-Rahu-Sun from 14 April 1999 to 07June 1999 and Venus-Rahu-Moon from 07 June 1999 to 07 Sep 1999.War period spread in both dasas. Venus is sixth lord of territorial attacks in third house of border clashes with Sun, Saturn ,Moon and Mercury. As already stated above in Independent India’s chart Rahu/Ketu’s position are especially bad and may lead to war with other other things. In transit Saturn was in Aries and Mars was in Libra over natal Jupiter aspecting Lagna and natal Rahu. Saturn was debilitated in Aries. Saturn and Mars were in 6/12 axis of the chart. Sixth house is house of territorial attacks and 12th house is house of wars and losses. Rahu- Ketu were in Cancer -Capricorn axis-a sensitive axis for India.

Above description shows that when ever 1/7, 6/12 and 3/9 axis in Indian Independence Chart are afflicted then India is involved in wars. Affliction along  2/8 axis of Indian Independence Chart should also give similar results. Above wars occurred in antardasas of Saturn, Rahu, Jupiter and Sun. In addition to above antardasas of Venus, Mars, Moon and Mercury are also important. Actually wars may happen in antardasas of planets having PAC relation with the ascendant, third house, sixth house, seventh house, eighth house and twelfth house.

Mars dasa will operate in Indian Independent Chart from 09-09-2025 to 09-09-2032.General results of Mars dasa have already been discussed in my article,”भारत का कितना मंगल करेगा,मंगल अपनी दशा में” .This article was published on 21-07-2024. Mars-Rahu and Mars- Jupiter dasas in Indian Independent Chart will operate from 05-02-2026 to 24-02-2027 & 24-02-2027 to 31-01-2028. During these periods Rahu will enter Capricorn sign in December 2026 and then Cancer-Capricorn signs will be in Rahu-Ketu axis. This axis will become afflicted many times during this period depending upon transit of other planets.80th year will start in Indian Independent Chart on 15th August 2026.Annual Chart for 80th year is as noted below.

Muntha will be in Sagittarius the fifth house of the annual chart and eighth house of independent chart. It has Parashari aspect of Mars and Saturn. Muntha lord Jupiter is defeated in planetary war with Mercury in the 12th house. Hence Muntha and Muntha lord both are afflicted. Moon is in Rahu-Ketu axis and Sun in hemmed in between malefics in the 12th house. Seventh lord retrogrates in eighth house.It has Parashari aspect of Jupiter who in defeated in a planetary war. Hence lagna, lagna lord, Sun, Moon, Muntha ,Muntha lord, Seventh house and Seventh lord all are afflicted.Hence 80th year after Independence will be a difficult year for India and India may be involved in war also during this period.

81st year of Indian Independence Chart will start on 15-08-027.Annual Chart for 81th year is as noted below.

Muntha will be in Capricorn. Sun, Moon and Muntha all are in Rahu-Ketu axis.Lagna lord Venus is not only afflicted but combust at close degrees. Muntha lord SaturnR debilitates in seventh house. Seventh lord is not afflicted though in 12th house. It shows agony to the nation and possible involvement in war or in communal riots as Capricorn is in the ninth house of Independent Chart. Hence India may be involved in war in Mars-Rahu or Mars-Jupiter dasa from 05-02-2026 to 31-01-2028.

Another sensitive period for India in MD of Mars is Venus& Sun  AD’s during the period from 04-08-2030 to 09-02-2032.Annual horoscope of India for 84th year of Independent India from 15-08-2030 to 14-08-2031 is as under:-

aMuntha is in Aries. Lagna lord Sun is in 12th house with Mars and Venus. It has third aspect of Saturn and ninth aspect of Rahu. Lagna lord is thus afflicted. Moon is also afflicted. It has aspect of Saturn and Mars and kendriye effect of Rahu-Ketu. Saturn-Ketu conjunction in the tenth house is also bad. Seventh lord Saturn is in Rahu-Ketu axis. Seventh house is aspected by Mars. Hence Sun, Moon, Lagna lord, seventh lord, seventh house and lord of muntha are afflicted and indicate that India may be involved in war during this year.  

Let us also consider the annual chart of 85th year of Independent India from 15-08-2031 to 14-08-2032. Annual Chart is given below:-

Muntha is in Taurus, the ascendasnt of Independent India and eighth house of Annual Chart. Muntha is occupied by Saturn and aspected by Mars and sixth lord JupiterR. Aspect of Mars has maleficence of Rahu also. Muntha lord Venus is not only retrograde but combust also. It is aspected by Saturn from eighth house. Hence Muntha and Muntha lord both are afflicted. Lagna is in Rahu-Ketu axis and also occupied by Mars. Affliction to Lagna lord Venus has already been explained above. Moon has ninth aspect of Rahu. It is also hemmed in between malefics. Moon sign lord Mercury is also afflicted. Seventh house is also in Rahu-Ketu axis. Hence this annual chart also fulfilled all parameters of war. Wars is likely to take place in Mars-Venus or Mars-Sun dasa from 04-08-2030 to 09-02-2032 also.During the period from 05-02-2026 to 31-01-2028 there may be war like conditions or actual war

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