Astro Portrait of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev-5(Part -2)

(11) Sadhguru meets an astrologer :- A wandering astrologer passed by his home when he was about sixteen years old.His mother wanted to know about her first daughter’s marriage.She requested Jaggi to meet him. The astrologer told many family details to Jaggi which surprised him. He also refused to tell anything about her eldest sister,but predicted that the second one would be married by next May.The astrologer also surprised Jaggi by predicting that he would start building a temple by the age of thirty-seven. Jaggi was sixteen on 4-09-1973. His sister was married on May 25,1974. Jaggi was running Mars-Jupiter…

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Astro Portrait of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev-5(Part-1)

As promised in last part of my article we will now discuss some events in the life of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev and results of vimshottary dasa/antardasa of various planets. (1) Sadhguru was youngest among brothers and sisters.His chart should indicate that he was not destined to have younger brother or sister.Third house of the horoscope and third house from Mars indicates younger brothers/sisters. We examine these factors in Lagna Chart and in Dreshkona. Dreshkona is that divisional chart which indicates brothers and sisters.In a research conducted in Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan it was revealed that if three out of four(i.e. third…

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संतो की वाणी –परमहंस श्रीरामकृष्णदेव जी

परमहंस श्री रामकृष्णदेव ज़ी का जन्म 16 फ़रवरी 1836 इस्वी को कलकते से 60 मील उत्तर पश्चिम में स्थित एक छोटे से गांव कामारपुकुर में  हुआ था। श्री रामकृष्णदेव  ने गांव की पाठशाला में ही थोड़ी बहुत पढाई की थी। वे ज्यादा पढ़े लिखे नहीं थे। लेकिन उनकी मेधा इतनी प्रखर थी की दो शताब्दी  बाद भी  लाखों पढ़े -लिखे लोग उनके ज्ञान से अपने जीवन पथ को आलोकित करते हैं  और अपनी कठिन से कठिन समस्याओं  का समाधान पाते  हैं। उनके जीवन काल में भी उनके पढ़े लिखे शिष्यों की संख्या कम नहीं थी।  उनके पिता श्री क्षुदिराम चटोपाध्याय …

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Astrology and Ulcerative Colitis

  Ulcerative Colitis is a disease of large intestine. It starts from anal canal and then it spreads in the whole large intestine.Last part of small intestine may also  be involved in severe cases. Ulerative Colitis results in inflammation and ulcers of the colon and rectum. The primary symptoms include abdominal pain and diarrhea mixed with blood. Real cause of ulcerative colitis is unknown. Some of the reported reasons involve genetics, immune system dysfunction,changes in normal gut bacteria and environmental factors. In Ayurveda ulcerative colitis is regarded a pitta pardhan vaat dosha. But what planetary combinations can cause ulcerative colitis…

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Talk on Astrology Concepts—4

    Happiness in our  family and in social relations largely depends on our manner of speech. Sometimes our manner  of speech is good but other family members or our known persons in society have objectionable  manner of speech. Due to this our relations with them may get strained. We may end our relations or may even quarrel.But who controls our way of speech? It depends on many things. What we learn in our schools,in our family,in our society and from our surroundings play an important role in it. But do you know that planets in our horoscope also play…

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Talk on Astrology Concepts -3

Difficult Transits for India    During  the days of my study in Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan we had been repeatedly told that affliction along Taurus-Scorpio axis and Cancer-Capricorn axis brings big changes in India.Many of such changes may not be pleasant. For example Indo-China War of 1962, Indo-Pak War of 1965 and 1971,Operation Blue Star in 1984 and Ram Mandir destruction at Ayodhya by Mir Baqi in1528— all these events happened when there was affliction along Cancer-Capricorn or Taurus-Scorpio axis. Transit of Saturn  Saturn is transiting in Capricorn sign since 25th January 2020.Transit of Saturn in Capricorn or Cancer has always…

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Astrology and Coronavirus Deaths

In my last article entitled “Astrology and Coronavirus” I had written that “The severity of the effect and the period of end of effect will however be different for the different countries depending on their foundation charts and dasa patterns”. A perusal of number of deaths due to coronavirus revealed that it is very high in some countries e.g in Italy,Spain,France, Belgium, United States of America,Brazil and United Kingdom etc.But some countries e.g Syria, Finland,Saudi Arabia, Israel and Iraq have suffered less number of deaths.Number of deaths in a country may depend on many factors.However in astrology loss of life…

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Astro Portrait of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev-4

Astrological Analysis of Enlightenment                          As written in part-1 of this article enlightenment happened to Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev on 23 Sep 1982 at Chamunda Hills between 14:30 to 19:30 hrs. What  dasa/antardasa can give enlightenment in spiritually potent charts? What are the transits which work as catalysts in the happening of such a blissful event in spiritual persons? Sloka 13 of Chapter xv of Jatak Parijat states “One may get results of performing sacrifices of all kinds and all kinds of beneficient works in dasa/antardasa of lords of Lagna…

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Astrology and Coronavirus

I have been receiving many messages on Whats App since the outbreak of Corona virus epidemic throughout the world. Different Astrologers have tried to explain why this epidemic occured in the world and when will it come to an end? Many people who come to me for astrological consultations have also been asking different questions about it and many others are telephoning me about the same. I have tried to answer all such questions in this article: Epidemics of this magnitude which have badly affected almost the whole world is covered under Mundane Astrology. For the information of the readers…

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Karma theory in new words-Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

An efficient astrologer can give readings in case of a person never seen by him and a  good amount of readings given by him prove accurate.It clearly proves that he has not made his destiny.It was already made.His destiny is made by his karma i.e what he has done not only  in this life but also in past lives. Karma theory has been explained by many authors.Sh K N Rao has beautifully explained it in his book “Karma and Rebirth in Hindu Astrology”. He has also given many examples with horoscopes which form an interesting and instructing reading for all…

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