Role of separative planets in astrology

Sun, Mars, Rahu, Saturn and twelfth lord are called separative planets. Influence of these planets on 7H,7L and Karka Venus may result in separation in marriage in their MD/AD. Influence of such separative planets on any house/its lord and karka  of the house may separate us from the significations of the house especially jiva significations. This principle gives good results if charts are studied in Sudarshan Chakra Padhati. According to this Padhati charts are studied not only from Lagna only but also from the Sun Lagna and the Moon Lagna. 

Out of Sun, Saturn or Rahu if two are placed in one bhava then separation from that Bhava or Karka of the bhava will occur.

In respect of marriage there is a golden rule in Jaimini Astrology that if Sun is placed in trikona either in 5th house or in 9th house in navamsa chart that surely gives loss of spouse due to death.

If there is connection of Ketu with the fifth house or fifth lord in a female chart, she may face many abortions in life. The situation may become serious if more separative planets are connected with the fifth house or fifth lord. In such cases it becomes difficult for a lady to conceive and give birth to a child. 

Now we shall study role of separative planets in a horoscope with practical examples. 


 This is the chart of the boy who was married to a well educated beautiful girl but she left her after some days alleging sexual inadequacy. Seventh house has Rahu and is aspected by Mars and Saturn. Hence seventh house is under influence of three separative planets. Of course there is aspect of Jupiter also on seventh house. But Jupiter is with a separative planet Sun and is aspected by Rahu and Saturn. Hence aspect of Jupiter could not save the marriage. Seventh lord Saturn is not only retrograde but is also aspected by a separative planet Sun. Karka Venus is also with a separative planet Mars and is in papkartari yoga.  

In D-9 a separative planet Sun is there in seventh house. It is aspected by another separative planet SatR. Seventh lord Venus is between two separative planets i.e. Mars and Rahu. Venus is twelfth lord also and is himself behaving like a separative planet. 

As per chapter 3 shlokas 27 and 28 of Jatakalankara Saturn in sixth or twelfth house from Venus results in impotence. According to chapter iv shloka 13 of  Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira Mercury and Saturn aspecting each other result in impotence. In addition to these two combinations following combinations also result in impotence:-(i) lagna lord and mercury in conjunction (ii) Saturn and Mercury in dual signs (iii)Moon in even sign and Mercury in odd sign have mutual jaimini aspect. In view of these combinations in the chart allegation of sexual inadequacy of the girl do not seem to be wrong. Actually astrologers should examine this aspect during matching of horoscopes. 

Let us take one more example. Examine the following chart:-


Rahu is in ninth house . Ninth lord Mars is in twelfth house. It has Sun and Saturn on one side and aspect of Saturn and Rahu on other side. Hence it has influence of separative planets. Ninth house from Moon is Capricorn. It has aspect of Mars. Ninth lord from Moon i.e. Saturn is conjunct another separative planet Sun. Sun the natural karka of father is also under influence of a separative planets Saturn. 

      In D-9 ninth house has aspect of Saturn and Rahu on one side and aspect of Rahu and Mars on other side. Aspect of Jupiter is also there on both sides. Ninth lord Jupiter is not aspected by any planet. But it is in eighth house from ninth house. Sun a natural karka of father has Saturn on one side and aspect of Mars on other side. 

Dwadashamsha Chart(D-12) is for parents. In D-12 chart ninth house is badly afflicted. It contains Rahu and is aspected by Saturn and Mars. Ninth lord is with Jupiter who is 12th lord also. Sun, the karka for father has ninth aspect of Rahu and third aspect of Saturn.

PAC of separative planets on ninth house, ninth lord and Sun resulted in his separation from father at the tender age of fifteen years only. This boy was born in Rahu Dasa and Rahu is situated in ninth house. This is a yoga for death of father.”यदि लग्न से नवम स्थान में राहु अथवा केतु हो और जन्म राहु अथवा केतु की दशा में हो तो पिता की मृत्यु होती है –ज्योतिष रत्नाकर (P-219) धारा 120 (11).इसी प्रकार यदि सूर्य से दशम स्थान में पापग्रह हो तथा लग्न से दशमेश पीड़ित अथवा पापयुक्त या द्रिष्ट हो तो पिता को महान कष्ट या उनकी मृत्यु होती है।(उपरोक्त P-220 धारा 120 (15 ) . In this horoscope there is aspect of Saturn on tenth house from Sun and Venus, tenth lord from lagna has malefics on both sides. It should be noted that Moon is a malefic as it is krishna chaturdashi Moon. Moreover it is 12th lord also.


The mother of this boy had contacted me perhaps in 2021 when the boy was eight years old. The boy was speechless till then. Second house of the horoscope signifies speech and Mercury is karka for speech. Second house is occupied by Mercury, Saturn, Sun and Rahu Although it is aspected by Jupiter also but it is not of much help. Jupiter has ninth aspect of Rahu and is retrograde also. Second lord Venus is also aspected by Saturn and JupiterR.

PAC of separative planets on second house, second lord and Mercury(karka for speech) made this boy dumb. In medical astrology we also consider Navamsa, Dreshkana and Dwadashamsha charts. In Navamsa chart second house has aspect of Saturn, Mars and Rahu on one side and aspect of Rahu on other side.12th lord Venus and Ketu  are also there in third house whereas Sun is present in the first house. Mercury is in eighth house and is aspected by Saturn and JupiterR. In Navamsa also Jupiter is of no help as it is aspected by a separative planet Mars and is retrograde in twelfth house.

In Drekkana chart second house is in Rahu-Ketu axis and is occupied by twelfth lord JupR. Mercury, karka of speech is also there and has influence of Rahu and twelfth lord JupR. Second lord is in sixth house with a separative planet Sun. In Dwadashamsha Chart  second house is occupied by Mars. Second lord is in third house with a separative planet Saturn. Mer, karka of speech has no PAC with any separative planet. But it has rashi parivartan with a separative planet Saturn. 


Influence of separative planet on fifth house, fifth lord and Jupiter gives problems in having children. It may lead to many abortions or childlessness. See the following horoscope of a woman who had suffered two miscarriages. 

    In D-1 fifth house is in Rahu-Ketu axis. Fifth lord is in fourth house and is aspected by Mars. Jupiter the karka of progeny is also in Rahu-ketu axis. In navamsa chart fifth house and fifth lord are in Rahu-Ketu axis. Santankark Jupiter is in sixth house with Saturn. In saptamsa chart fifth house is aspected by Saturn. Fifth lord is in Rahu-Ketu axis. Jupiter is in tenth house with twelfth lord Mercury.


      In astrology eleventh house signifies elder sibling. Jupiter is karka for elder sibling. Hence influence of separative planets on eleventh house, eleventh lord and Jupiter may give separation from elder brother. The chart that follows belongs to a lady whose elder brother died when she was twenty six years lord. 

In D-1 eleventh house is aspected by Saturn. Eleventh lord Moon is in third house and there are separative planets on its both sides. Jupiter is in twelfth house and it has ninth  aspect of Rahu. In D-9 eleventh house is aspected by Mars. Eleventh lord has fifth aspect of Rahu and of Jupiter. Jupiter is aspected by another separative planet Saturn and is in Rahu-Ketu axis. Dreshkana chart is for siblings. In D-3 (Dreshkana) eleventh house has aspect of Saturn. Eleventh lord Jupiter is in eighth house with aspect of Mars, Sun and Rahu.

Influence of separative planets on eleventh house, eleventh lord and Jupiter deprived her of elder brother


This is the chart of a person who was dismissed from service at the age of fifty-seven. Let us see the effect of separative planets on tenth house/tenth lord and Saturn. Saturn is karka for service.

In D-1 tenth house is aspected by Saturn. Tenth lord is in seventh house with Sun and in Rahu-Ketu axis. Saturn karka for service is aspected by Mars. In D-9 tenth house is aspected by Mars. Tenth lord is Saturn which is in third house with Sun and Mars. Dashamsha Chart is for service. In D-10 tenth house is aspected by Rahu. Tenth lord is in sixth house of service and is aspected by Mars and Rahu. Aspect of Jupiter is also there but even this aspect could not save his service because Jupiter is a functional malefic for Libra ascendant. Saturn is debilitated in seventh house and is with eighth lord Venus. Saturn has effect of separative planets on both sides.


This is the chart of a lady who has not been married till now. Let us see  the effect of separative planets on seventh house/seventh lord and Venus. Venus is vivah karka.

  In D-1 seventh house contains twelfth lord Moon. Seventh lord Saturn has Mars on one side and ninth aspect of Rahu on other side. Vivah Karka Venus has ninth aspect of Rahu, Moreover it has malefics on both sides.

In D-9 seventh house has Saturn. It also has kendra effect of Rahu.( There is a principle in astrology that every planet placed from each other in the 10th house must be having direct effect due to each other just like 7th aspect. This is called kendra effect).Moreover Saturn has 12th lord Jupiter on one side and aspect of Rahu and Mars on other side. Seventh lord Venus has aspect of Mars and Saturn. Hence all the three factors relating to marriage are under influence of separative planets.  It is for this reason that she is unmarried so far.


This is the chart of a girl who had to lost her father at tender age of eighteen years.

In D-1 ninth house has two separative planets Sun and Saturn and ninth lord Venus also. There is fifth aspect of Ketu also. Hence ninth house, ninth lord and  Pitah Karka Sun -all are associated with separative planets. In D-9 ninth house is aspected by Mars. 

Ninth lord Saturn is in Rahu-Ketu axis. Pitah Karka Sun is in fourth house with twelfth lord Venus. Dwadashamsha Chart is seen for parents. In D-12(dwadashamsha) chart ninth house has aspect of Saturn and Rahu on one side and other side is occupied by Ketu and aspected by Mars. Hence ninth house is hemmed in between influence of separative planets. Ninth lord Jupiter is with Saturn. Pitah Karka Sun has aspect of Rahu on one side whereas other side is occupied by Saturn.

Influence of separative planets on ninth house/ninth lord and Sun deprived her happiness from father at the tender age of eighteen only. 


This is the chart of a man who has severe marital discord with his wife. Seventh house has aspect of three separative planets viz. Rahu, Mars and Saturn. Seventh lord Jupiter

is not only retrograde but is also aspected by Mars. Vivah-Karka Venus is with Saturn. If the seventh lord in a chart is retrograde it also disturbs the married life of a person. In D-9(Navamsa) chart seventh house is aspected by Rahu. Seventh lord Mars is also aspected by Rahu . Vivah-Karka Venus is with Saturn in the 12th house. The effect of separative planets on seventh house, seventh lord and Venus gave him severe marital discord.


This is the chart of a person who is more than thirty one years old, but is still unmarried .Seventh house from Lagna is aspected by two separative planets Mars and Sun.

Seventh lord Venus is not only debilitated but also in a barren sign Virgo. Moreover it is hemmed in between aspect of two separative planets Rahu on one side and Saturn on other side. From Vivah-karka Venus seventh house has aspect of Saturn. From Moon seventh house is occupied by Rahu. It is aspected by Jupiter. But Jupiter himself is aspected by Rahu. Hence aspect of Jupiter is not of much help.

In Navamsa Chart(D-9) seventh  house is occupied by Saturn and aspected by Sun. Sun-Saturn in 1/7 axis is a classical combination of no marriage. Seventh lord Jupiter is with a separative planet Sun who is 12th lord also. It is also aspected by Saturn. Vivah-Karka  Venus is with Mars. Seventh from Venus is not only aspected by Mars and Jupiter but is also hemmed in between aspect of malefics on both sides. Seventh house  from Moon is aspected by Saturn and Jupiter. Aspect of Jupiter in Navamsa is not of much help as Jupiter is conjunct 12th lord Sun and is aspected by Saturn.

All essential houses and lords relating to marriage are under influence of separative planets. Hence he could not be married in spite of having good personality and belonging to a respectable family.

We have seen that effect of separative planets on a house/its lord and karka separate a person from significations of the house especially Jiva significations. Of course specific combinations are available in classical literature for all such events but the effect of separative planets can serve as a shortcut method to confirm the event when a specific enquiry is raised by someone. Role of separative planets give excellent results when used in combination with classical combination. Timing of separation can be known if influence of separative planets is synchronised with the dasa scheme in a person’s life.     

















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